Monday, October 23, 2023

Fruit and Nut diet

 A few years ago.... I started to do occasional cleanses.  Sometimes, it was after Thanksgiving.  Or maybe after Chinese New Year.  I'll go a few days of fasting... no caffeine... no fatty food... no junk food.  Then I started doing occasional Fruit and Nuts / Low Carb diet.  I don't even know how I came about this.  Google searches have shown this isn't the best diet to go on... but it's ohhhhh soooo convenient.  

Been on this diet ever since I noticed that growing tummy of mine.  First couple of weeks... I was good.  I was solid.  Then Friday rolls around and I'll slip a little.  But Monday... I'll be right back on it.  I'm eating healthier... and eating wiser.  Yes - I get the hunger pangs, but hopefully, that's when the body knows to get energy from my blubber/fat.  

And then... there are those few occasions where I give myself a treat.  Like.... the rice tonight.  Or that one cracker.  Or a bag of Sun Chips.  It's sooooo gooood... yet... zero nutrition and 100% damaging to my godly body.  Let's see how long I can keep this up. 

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