Sunday, December 10, 2023


I might turn this into a thesis or dissertation one day... but here are my thoughts after today's baptism.  

We had two brother and sister get baptized today... submerged by water.  We made it sound as if... today was their day of salvation.  And the sermon was geared towards them... as mentioned by PAL on multiple occasions... that they need to hear "justify by faith." 

To be a theologian... isn't someone saved, the moment they believe???  What does baptism have anything to do with salvation?? Baptism....and the ostentatious giving of testimony isn't biblical.  Do you really need to 1) believe 2) testify 3) get baptized?!?!?  I get confused sometimes... and yet... I don't.

(I promise...  I will follow up with references and quotes to support this argument)

But the fact of the matter is.... baptism has NOTHING to do with salvation.  Baptism.... like Jesus... is a public declaration of your submissiveness to God. Baptism is ONE (of many) public demonstrations of obedience and true belief.  Give your testimony.  Be submerged.  But after that... go serve in a soup kitchen.  Go sing Christmas Carols.  Go visit the sick and homeless.  Go share the gospel of Christ.  At Jesus's baptism, God the Father did not say, "This is my beloved Son, with whom is now saved."  

I really want to understand why people make such a big deal out of baptism (other than it being an onstage public showcase nowadays).  

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