Sunday, December 24, 2023

Binge Reading

Haven't picked up a book (and finished said book) in a long time.  And not for lack of trying.  I've lost track of how many books I've bought or picked up from the library... where they all end up in the same place... "Saved for Another Day."  This time, I randomly picked up a book on a Chinese immigrant coming to San Francisco in the 2010's.  

I was especially enthralled by how Kathryn Ma articulates Chinese culture in American soil. How previous generations who immigrated here blend in to America and lose some (not all) of their roots. How she so vividly (though erroneously) describe the Sunset Saltbox Houses, the Buffalo Pen in Golden Gate Park, the lake, the Haight, CCSF, the most minute details.... and  yet... like watching a movie filmed in SF, you catch everything that's described incorrectly.

Most amazingly, I found myself fighting sleepiness at 3AM in the morning, trying to finish this story.  It wasn't a great book... but a good read. It certainly sparked my interest in reading my next novel... also about Chinese immigrants to San Francisco.  I swear... I did not intend on making that a theme for this holiday season. 


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