Sunday, December 17, 2023


Last tournament of the year... of the season... and the whole family went to Sacramento together.  SW's team has definitely improved.  And yet... oh so many holes and deficiencies.  We ended up winning 3 and losing 3 this weekend.  The most painful being the last game where we won 30-28, lost 27-25....and in the end, lost 15 - 12.  It shouldn't have been that close.  The other team had 7 players - 2 of which can't even get the serve over.  But they had two really outstanding players that made up for the difference.  Us... we have 1 outstanding player... a bunch of much improved... and a handful of what are you doing on the court.

I get it... this is an intro league.  We want the boys to get playing time.  We want everyone to have fun.  But y'know what... winning is fun.  When it comes down to the wire... and you want to win... you don't rotate your bad players in.  Those who can't pass. Those who can't serve.  Those who are slow as molasses.  We lost... 100%... because of bad coaching.

She didn't once change her game plan.  The one time she did... was when our three passers were overwhelmed and she dropped 1 more passer.  And even then... the team kept ace-ing us up.  Infuriating. 

The boys hurt.  They really wanted that one.  When we left the convention center... SW was on the verge of tears. He cares that much about winning... about volleyball.  Hardly does he get so worked up since he's always happy-go-lucky.  And when Joyce and I saw that... our hearts were shattered twice over.  

He quickly got over it.  I know this experience will forever be etched in his memories. But it'll gnaw at me for than it does him.  Glad he can move on... grow... and learn from this experience. As for me... I'm left mulling and marinating on what-if's, coulda's, woulda's, and shoulda's.... GWARSH I'M MAD!!! 

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