Wednesday, December 06, 2023


In church life... there's a person that we love.  That we adore.  That we revere.  Just like a mother... she's the one that'll love you unconditionally... and will understand you in the deepest, lowest points of your life.  In this past year... I had a chance to partner with our C-mo.  No... not Amy.  I had a chance to partner with Sandy.  She's one of a kind. A woman with unrelenting prowess.  A woman with vision and a thirst for execution.  A woman who demands perfection.  And unapologetically demands it from those around her. She doesn't hide from rebuke.  And is borderline cringey when it comes to discipline.  By happenstance or by the grace of God... I had a chance to partner with her.  And there has been just a few who can keep pace with my energy, demand for perfection, and meticulous planning of execution.... that I am awestruck and humbled to march alongside.  

I'll look back in 10, 15, 20 years and say... man... what did I do to deserve THAT?

Sadly... that partnership is coming to an end.  And to that I shall say, "Godspeed! Go earn that Doctorate!!"

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