Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Word(s) of the Year

 For I think the third year in a row... I get to lead Prayer Meeting in December.  And for some reason, I like to bring up the "Word of the Year."  For 2023, the Merriam Webster word of the year is:

authentic adj 1)not false 2) true to one's own personality, spirit, or character

runner ups: rizz, deep fake, coronation

More interesting... I looked up China's word(s) of the year. And here's what I found from 汉语盘点2023.  I love the simple description of each word.  Haha... so well thought out.  So poetic. 

國內字 - 面对挑战时不失本心、遭遇风雨时行之不辍,进一寸有一寸的欢喜,就当得起一个“振”字。


國際字 - 在危机中育新机,以对话弥合分歧、以合作化解争端,才能为世界营造公道正义、共建共享的安全格局。


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