Friday, February 09, 2024


The day before Chinese New Year's eve... Dad texts me that he has COVID and can't come in for dinner.  Instead of buying food for dinner... I opt to go to Ranch 99 to buy stuff to cook for him, including 羅漢果.  I get to Ranch 99 at 8PM... thinking it'll be less crowded.  The supermarket was so busy... the checkout lines reached the aisles 15 deep.  There was no way I can even go shopping.  So I come the next day... 年三十 at 8AM.  I get there... and the parking lot is already full.  I walk over to the seafood section and I'm 7th in line.  By the time I'm done... there's 15 people in line.  And in the end... I didn't even get to buy my 羅漢果 for dad.  They're sold at an herbalist store.  The economy is back. 

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