Friday, February 02, 2024

A pleasant surprise

On a random Friday... I had a lunch date with Joyce again... like we always do on Fridays.  Then as we're almost done with our meal... in comes the Short and Stubby himself.  A stranger from the present... but a monument from the past.  My best friend through college and the early parts of working.  We've drifted apart over the years cuz of our lives and where we lived.  But he's still Mark.  Moments later... Mel also showed up.  They were having lunch together. An unplanned reunion.

Mark was Mark.  The most successful of the bunch...but always down to earth and optimistic.  He was truly raised well... and has a good head on his shoulder.  I will say... the hair on that head is thinning much faster than mine.  

Mel... still the sarcastic tell-it-like-it-is person.  Sometimes it's hard talking to her, but if you look past that... she's the amazing person that out of no where became a huge part of our lives through marriage, house hunting, day-care finding.... and now... volleyball parent.

We had our short moment to reconnect.  I miss talking to friends.  These two are truly two of my best friends...and the bestest friends anyone can have.  I wish we were closer. 

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