Sunday, February 18, 2024

One week later....

 It's been a week... and I'm slowly recovering.  It doesn't help when people try to console you.  Or tell you "I was rooting for them."  Or try to analyze the game with you.  Or try to talk anything related to anything even close to the Niners.  I can't.  Sorry.  I just can't.  

It doesn't help that Twitter/X keeps showing highlights and / or pundits' reactions.  I skip it all.

It doesn't help that Wilks got fired.  I admit... it helped a little.

It doesn't help that BA is pouting about his contract. 

It doesn't help that people are saying to trade Deebo.

It doesn't help that deep down.... I don't think Brock is the answer.

It doesn't help that Niners are Odds on Favorite to win the Super Bowl next year. 

It doesn't help.  It simply doesn't.  The only thing that will help is winning it all.  There is no two ways about it.  And even then... the wound won't ever be completely healed. 

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