Monday, February 19, 2024

No Dinx

End of a 3-Day weekend... and a 3-Day volleyball tournament.  Every day... show up at 2pm for a 3pm start time (aka the PM-wave).  But of course... coaches want us to be there by 1:45PM.  And NN wants to be there at 1:30PM instead.  Depending on the rack and stacking... the schedule can mean an hour of waiting... or HOURS of waiting.  

The weather was horrible.  Heavy showers throughout.

I hated to pay for parking... especially if the event center does NOT have in/out privledges.  We were trapped... unless we want to pay another $15. 

The food options were few... greasy pizza, burgers, fries, chicken strips or pre-packed salads.

The noise was deafening.  Over 70 teams... each team with around 12 girls.  Each girl will bring an average of 2.5 family members.  That's over 2000 people screaming and yelling in a confined space.  My ears were ringing throughout the weekend.

We were projected to finish by 7PM but we never left before 9:30PM, got home around 1030PM.  Luckily it was in the Peninsula and not Sac or Roseville.

The play.... I'll say... the competition was a lot closer and thusly a lot more entertaining.   

Day 1 - we swept our competition.  Until the last game... the one that mattered.... when we lost in 3.  Holy Toledo what were the coaches thinking.

Day 2 - we swept everyone and it ended on a great note.

Day 3 - the final brackets.  Both games went to 3.  We shouldn't have lost the first game.  And thankfully, eeked out the second game.

As I talk more with parents and friends who are/have done club.... the more I will cherish every last waning moment of all this.  And if there's one thing I can't help wondering is.... what if I joined a club back in high school.  Sigh....

Forget regrets... or life is yours to miss.  

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