Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Talk

Joyce drove NN to practice... so I was home with SW.  We played cards and joked around.  Then he said he had homework... he needed to color in his biology notes.  And it turns out... it was on the reproductive system.  He busted out with pictures from when I took sex-ed in 7th grade... and probably when Franklin Roosevelt took sex ed when HE was in 7th grade!!

Nonetheless.... I used the opportunity to talk have "the talk."  Where babies come from.  How babies are made.  The structure of his body.  The structure of a woman's body.  Even went a little beyond his notes and got to what we would consider taboo and most Chinese families.  Keeping it very mechanical and scientific... and it shouldn't be awkward.  And if I make it awkward today... it'll be awkward for the rest of his teenage life.  I hope I did the right thing and left the door wide open for him to return with questions. 

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