Sunday, May 23, 2010


What a horrible weekend... a weekend summarized by the word - LOST.

The Sharks get swept in the Western Conference final: 0-4 - LOST
The Giants get swept by the A's - scoring only 1 run over the entire weekend - LOST
Rarely do Joyce and I get captivated by a TV program... and in about 2 hours, it will come to an end... - LOST.

Farewell, once again, is bittersweet....

Mood: Lost


Anonymous said...

what are we going to do? no more LOST!!! :(

Anderson said...

Man....I went to the game on Sunday with my cousin...nothing worse than A's fans hating on us poor Giants fans. I guess they really don't have a rival like the
Dodgers for the Giants. I don't see them going that crazy if it were the Los Angeles California Angels of Anaheim.
I was telling least the Giants have a better record. Poor Sanchey.

got henry? said...

Anderson!!! Welcome back!! Where have you been with your comments?