Sunday, May 09, 2010

Learning to say "No"

Ever have trouble saying "No?"

A few years ago when jobs were scarce - everyone and anyone became a "Yes-Man (or woman)." They'd say "yes" to just about anything.

"Do you know Verilog?" "YES" (then you go learn it over the weekend)
"Do you know EVM?" "YES" (then you try googling it only to find nothing online...)
"Do you love me?" "YES" (only to realize that it's a loaded question...)
"Why don't you get me a bigger diamond?" "Uh...."

So hard these days to say "No" to someone. Especially when it's someone you know and love (as a brother/sister). Especially when you yourself hate it when others say "no" to you.

But sometimes, saying "No", as brutally honest as it is, is truly the best answer.

"Can I get a raise?" "NO"
"Would you like to open a macy's credit card?" "NO"
"Do you know how fast you were driving?" "NO, officer"

Then the ultimate question...

"Can you drink from my cup..."

Mood: "No Mood"

1 comment:

Roy2000 said...

I think this is something we all need to learn. Learning to say "no". I consider saying "no" is a topic of "art and philosophy" ... below is a link teaching ppl how to say "no"