Friday, May 07, 2010


Last week, we accidentally spilled water onto our laptop. Instantly, our laptop shut down.
We shook the water out...and even used a blow dryer to blow on it. Still wouldn't turn on.

Decided to get it fixed. The initial quote was $245 - flat. The store said they'll probably need to replace the power chip or video chip. $245 or a new laptop... Sigh... why not. So I decided to get it fixed.

I got home... and Joyce said, "$245!! I rather get a new laptop!!" Sigh....

Called the store back...and the dropped the price to $185. Cool... let's fix it!!

But Joyce was still not happy - cuz the store is a hole in the wall. We didn't want them to have access to our harddrive.

I google'd and found 9 out of 10 posts said just open up the laptop and let it air dry for two days.

So I disassembled my laptop. Two days later, I put the thing back together and wouldn't you know it... it worked!!

$185 for 20 minutes worth of real labor. Now that's why ppl call American the Land of Opportunity.

Mood: relieved

1 comment:

Roy2000 said...

yes, google it first before you do anything. You could save a lot in this way by DIY.