Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All Good Things

Stardate: 47988

Random Thursday night... and on channel 13 KOFY, it's showing the series finale of Star Trek TNG - "All Good Things.."

Goes with the theme of the past several weeks of season and series finales - non-bigger than LOST. None more gasp - finally! than Law-and-Order. None more thought provoking than Simon Cowell leaving American Idol.

After 9 seasons, the man you love to hate is leaving the show that he single-handedly created. And who was there to celebrate? There was Joe Crocker! Janet Jackson! The Celebrit Apprentice - Brett Michael!! Christina Aguilera! Chicago! Hall & Oates!! My goodness - it's like the living Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame!

More impressively... all the winners from the past 8 seasons all came back to pay one last tribute to Simon. Including the runner-ups. Including, even, Paula Abdul herself!

Now THAT is a legacy.

Can't help but think... what kind of legacy am I leaving? And if I were to take a leave of absence, will I have even 1% of the respect Simon got...and deserves?

Mood: empty

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