Saturday, December 03, 2011

Blood thicker than water

While on a business trip in the East Coast... I had a chance to rendevous with my cousin in Manhattan.  It was over an hour way from where I stayed in Conneticut.  But I figured it's worth the drive since it's afterall Manhattan.

That afternoon, I find out it wasn't just him I was having dinner with.  But the entire family.  I was excited. Very excited.  I get to see my uncle and aunt again.  Not just any uncle... but my dad's younger brother.  A man I've seen three times in my life.  Once when I was 2-3.  I have no recollection, except my uncle's daughter picked on me.  Another time in 1992 at the Guangzhou Train Station.  We were back for my grandfather's funeral and he happened to be there for other business.  And one time when he and his wife came to visit us about 3 years ago.  This was the fourth time. 

He's not really my dad's brother.  He's actually the son of my dad's uncle -- or my grandfather's brother.  But in the Chinese culture... we overemphasize the closeness and proximity of the male bloodline.  The son of your father's brother... is also your brother.  Likewise, the daughter of your father's brother, is your sister.  Not so for the sister of your father.  Any offspring from your father's sister is simply a cousin. 

Aside from my uncle (my dad's brother), I saw my aunt (my dad's sister).  Never seen her in my life. And there was grandma.  My dad's aunt.  Or my grandfather's brother's wife.  She currently reigns as the eldest i the Leung family tree.  Everyone else has bit the dust.   I see these two people.  Two people who know nothing about me... and I know nothing about them.  Yet... we talk and chat like we've known each other all our lives. 

And the most important person I wanted to see and get to know.... my older sister.  I've always wanted to call someone 家姐 or 妹.  My sister... 3 years my elder.... saw me once when I was two.  She may have seen some pictures of me here or there.  And may have heard of me through my uncle.  But I had this irresistible urge to want a hug from my sister.  One that's of my own.... from my own.  She made a wisecrack that I shouldn't call her 家姐 cuz I'm much taller than her.  But throughout the rest of dinner... I purposely said that term over and over again cuz I loved hearing it.  And when we parted.... I gave her a farewell hug and said, "再見喇家姐." She returned a hug... and didn't say anything.  Somehow... I'm choosing to believe that she likes having me as a younger brother.

I drove over 2 hours of New York traffic just to have this 1.5 hour dinner with folks I barely even know.  But that 2 hours was probably the best investments I've ever made into my life. 

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