Tuesday, March 15, 2005

...am I awake??

Sometimes, blessings come and it happens so fast you don't realize it. I was late with my rent last month so when I wrote the check, I automatically included the $100 late fee. Several days later, the property calls me back and says the rent was postmarked on the 5th...so I didn't need to penalize myself. The 5th of March is a Sunday - no way the post office was open that day. I think she was just being nice cuz I've never been late in all 3+ years. $100!! WOOHOO!!!

Last week, I really need more time to work on my project for school. Out of the blue, Francisco is sick and stays home from tutoring. I tell Wayland that I'm going to skip out on tutoring that night. Got a few extra hours of work in. Made a big difference too...cuz Thursday night I made a huge breakthrough.

Didn't get home till 3AM that night though. Woke up at 6AM Friday morning for class. Stayed out late Friday night for the Deeper Life Conference. Woke up early Saturday morning for the Deeper Life Workshop. Dozed a little bit here and there...but stayed awake for the most part. Saturday night, I worked from 4PM to 4AM Sunday morning. Was so involved with the work I had to miss the third leg of the Conference. Finally, woke up at 7AM Sunday morning for the Morning Service. Sunday afternoon, I went back to finish the project. Worked from 3PM to about 9PM. Ate dinner, showered and started finishing up my project writeup. Decided to take a nap from 1130-1230. Woke up at 1230 and I literally couldn't think. I sat in front of the computer with a blank mind. "Where was I?" "What am I doing?" "Why am I awake?" I knew it was time to call it quits, throw in the towel and put in the finishing touches tomorrow morning. Finally was able to finish up the project, despite a lot of explainable bugs, and finish the write up to a certain degree. Given a few more weeks, I don't know where I could have gone with this project. That's the problem with a lot of engineers, knowing when to quit. But geez....the past 4-5 days I averaged about 3-4 hours of sleep.

Took last night off and went to the Warriors game with Jeff. Caught up with each other's pathetic lives and enjoyed a great game. We were about 15 rows from the court....there's no better way to watch a game than upclose. It's like watching an opera, musical or the symphony. Pay the extra $50-$100 and sit up close...it makes the world of a difference.

Finished all my dental work. Totalled up to about $700. Not too bad..just gotta remember to keep flossing at least once a day. Next trip will be in 6 months. Let's see how long I can keep this flossing thing going before I get lazy again.

After 2.5 years, I finally get to move into another group. But now is definitely the worst timing. My current manager needs me to get him through this crunch. And to be honest, I really want to step up to the challenge. It's the challenge of meeting the impossible schedule that's attractive to me and not the work itself. I lost interest in this line of business over a year ago. Still didn't give him my two week notice...wonder what his reaction will be. I'm trying to work my darndest to get this project to a good handoff point. But I have no drive to work....not since the day my manager said, "You got an exceptional rating this time, next year's evaluation, I'm gonna need to spread the wealth around." I thought that was a bunch of bull. If I work hard all I get is a pat on the back..then I'm not going to work hard.

How's this for an idea....instead of going to Australia/New Zealand or Southeast Asia for my honeymoon....maybe I can head up over to China for the short term mission I've been longing to go to and work at the orphanage for a few weeks. Wild and crazy idea...not sure how Joycie will react.

Still internally debating whether or not to get baptized again.....I better decide soon otherwise this round will pass me up. Be awesome if I can get baptized on Easter Sunday. But it doesn't feel right....not sure what it is. But it just doesn't feel right....ugh...... oh so depressing....

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