Thursday, March 24, 2005

Trying to catch up....

The news of me being a traitor spread faster than SARS back in 2002. In about two weeks, I'm going to leave my home for the past 2.5 years and start over with a new program. Excited I am, but at the same time, I'm sad. How are the people going to treat me over there? Are there any young people over there? What's the work load going to be like? Will there be another Giants lover in the group that can share my joy and sorrows? Bah...I've been longing to get out of this group for a long time. Finally get my chance and it's right when we're behind schedule. Now, people think I'm dropping the ball and not meeting the challenge. WHATEVER!!!

Wayland just got the pink slip. He along with 787 other teachers/staff at their school district. What is the governator doing?? Cutting public spending by cutting educational funds?? Holy Schmoly!! Last year he increased CSU and UC fees, then he increased community college tuition. Now he's cutting teachers and public school funding? And we voted for this clown to reshape California? And he wants to run for President? C'mon....don't matter if you're Democrat or Republican, you don't touch education!! You don't put 60 students in one classroom.

Closing in on another hectic week. This week was suppose to be my spring break too. Still gotta do my taxes, still gotta take care of my stock options, still needa plan the wedding.

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