Monday, March 07, 2005

Wedding Counselling

First night of wedding counseling on Tuesday and already Alan is giving us an assignment. List 15-20 reasons why you want to marry the other person. Like all people in the Internet Era, I jumped right onto google to and typed in "Reasons to get married." All the hits that came back were "Reasons NOT to get married." Ironic huh?? Must be a sign...HAHAHAHHAHAHA

I hate Februarys. It's only 2 days shorter than the rest of the months, but it completely threw my bill-paying cycle off. I was late on rent, for the first time in over 3 years. I didn't even ask my property manager to excuse me. I just paid the penalty fee. Sigh.....older I get, the more absent-minded I get. Feel so occupied right now that it's suffocating. But if you ask me why I'm busy...I can only come up with, "y'know...the usual." Maybe I'm not really truly busy...I just like to occupy my time so I don't have free time to clean the house.

Weather was super duper nice this weekend....I sooooooooo wanted to go play golf. But I have just too much work to do...had to bypass the sun.

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