Friday, September 30, 2005

Now what??

People have their honeymoons right after the wedding for a reason - well, two reasons. I'll just talk about one, and that's to relax and recuperate from your wedding day! My goodness, it's almost been two weeks and I'm still tired. So now, we're planning our honeymoon in November. For the longest time, we couldn't even tell people where we were going....and we still can't!! Almost for certain we were going to China (Beijing, Shanghai, Shuzhou, Hangzhou, etc....) but apparently November is Hong Kong's travel down time. So tours aren't guaranteed. Sigh.... the uncertainties of life. On a brighter note, we secured some rather cheap tickets back to Hong Kong. WOOHOO!!!

Wednesday night, my Giants were officially eliminated from postseason play. The game epitomized the Giants' season. We jump out to a 3-0 lead (HR by Bonds to say the least) and give the lead up. Then we come back...only to lose the lead again. We give the ball to the bullpen and they give up a grandslam. Only thing missing was someone pulling a hamstring. I guess it was all too optimistic that the Giants will win the west. Another year of being sucked in and enduring massive disappointment and depression. At least the Niners aren't teasing me as much. So we upset the Rams. We then get crushed 41-3....and then we lose the game of the year against the much hated Bill Parcells and the even more hated Cowboys. Bay Area Sports is moving deeper and deeper into the Dark Ages.

Tutoring highlight of the week:
Jantha, a former student who became a tutor, is moving to Texas this coming December. He's been here for a total of 8 years!!
Jantha, "Yeah, I'm totally gonna miss you guys. I want a picture of all you. Oh...and if you guys wanna go behind my back and plan a surprise party for me, go for it!"

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