Friday, January 13, 2006

A new quarter

Tuesday officially kicked off my Winter Quarter at Santa Clara. Taking 2 classes again, 2 units each. Only this time, I have a sinking feeling that this quarter and the next quarter will drain me like I've never been drained before.

It's 4:52AM, Friday morning. I just pulled my first all nighter of the year. Not cuz of homework... although, I really should start reading the text. No, this all nighter is excruciatingly painful. Couple of weeks ago, I read in Genesis about the Great Flood and Noah's Ark and God destroying the earth. Just how painful was it for the Lord to destroy his own creation?? No one will ever know. Well...last night and this morning, I got a sense of what He felt.

We have one last room to paint in our house, our dining room. Since Monday, we've been cleaning it and prepping it. Wednesday night, we laid a nice layer of primer on the room...everything was good to go for a new layer of paint!! But as we were cleaning up, we started seeing bubbles forming on the wall. They were everywhere!! It was like a teenager's acne breakout!! We poked at the bubble and it popped, leaving a hole in the middle of the primer. Then the hole started peeling. OH NO!!! My beautiful walls!!!

Turns out when we ripped the wallpaper off, we didn't clean off the residual glue. The glue was chemically reacting with the primer for some reason. Had we continued on with the paint job...who knows what would happen in a few months?? So, we ended up spending the entire evening scratching off the primer and glue!! Just so we can clean the walls (again) and lay primer on again!!

Oh how painful it was to destroy my own creation....and I'm sleepy!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

That sucks... You should come over your buddy's house and apprentice with Jesse. He's gonna put up walls at the SSF's garage. $8 for sheetrock. Much easier than ripping wall paper :). Oh, Wine and Roses sucks. Don't have a wedding there.

got henry? said...

Maybe someone's trying to tell you to have your wedding within 30 minutes of San Jose?