Monday, June 26, 2006

Bepharitis & growing up...

Doctor: You have bepharitis.
Me: BEPHARITIS?! OH NO!!! ......what is it?
Doctor: (translated from doctor talk to normal talk) You have too much eye poo-poo underneath your eyelids.

So that's the cause of my red eye. It's been two weeks since the corner of my right eye has gone from pink, to red, to I first thought it was the dry weather. Then I thought it was cuz the eye drops I'm using are ineffective. Now, I not only need to wash behind the ears, I need to wash underneath the eyelids. Fun fun fun....

Spent most of Saturday at school. The "Intellectual Property Class" went from 8-5PM. It was pretty good. The professor presented a bunch of interesting, landmarking cases. Most of the people there were interested and made good points. I think it's 8 hours well spent. Afterwards, headed over to the Louie's to bid farewell to several youngins' in our cell group. The time they've been here were short. I did not know them well...but I will never forget them. All of them, in their own special way, lives a life of happiness and ambition. They have a yearing to learn more about God, life and continue to battle through the transition from teenager to adult. I'm really going to miss them... but as Guy-guy said, "If the old doesn't go, how will the new come?" May the Lord bless you guys in your on-going journeys wherever He may bring you.

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