Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Playstation 2 - A Travesty

We had a sudden urge to bust out our Playstation 2 a few nights ago. Both Joycie and I aren't gaming avids, suffice to say, we have a huge lack in game selection. In fact, some of the games we bought in our younger years, we really shouldn't even have in the house. Be that as it may, we decided to go search for some new games. We don't need the latest and greatest, most popular kick-butt graphics game. Just something to play and enjoy.

We walk up the row of games at Fry's. We walk down the row of games at Fry's. Repeat that process for about 5 times...and we still come up FRUITLESS!!! Geez... what's up with video games nowadays? Violence, bloody, magic, wizardry, sex.... that's all we saw. I would not want my child to be playing these games. The only category of games that are roughly buyable are sports games. Luckily, we have a vault from which we can lend those games from (aka Mr. Anderson).

The only other game we found buyable was this:

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