Thursday, June 08, 2006

More Bathroom Jabbers

The bathrooms by my office are under construction so I've been having to trek down this mile-long hallway to find sweet relief. Yesterday, as I was making one of my daily strolls, I notice lying on the floor outside the empty ladies room a sanitary napkin dispenser!! It's just one of those things you don't think of. WOW!! I mean... it really shouldn't be that astounding. Once you think about it... it's more like, "Duh!" I mean...there are sanitary napkins on airplanes. It's a basic necessity. Then again, they have shaving cream and shavers on airplanes, but I've yet to see a bathroom with those amenities. was just kinda exciting to see that.

Not as exciting as the time I was at Seattle's airport in 2004. I was walking by the ladies room. The door was opened, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a sofa in there!! I was so impressed, I even took a picture. Very cool...

This morning, I was listening to KNBR Sports Talk Radio. The host starts start yapping about how humankind is getting lazy with all the automatic faucet, automatic soap and towel dispenser. From my post on Bathroom Etiquette, I make claim that the automatic faucet and dispensers are not due to slothfulness, but for sanitary reasons. I mean, the dingiest, dirtiest place in the bathroom is the faucet handle!! Everybody is touching it with their infected hand. So I shoot an email to the radio station expressing my claim, and within 10 minutes, the host is reading my name and email on the air!! He even went the distance and spelled my last name!! (Of course, he completely dissected it...) It felt good. Felt like I made a difference in many people's lives by enlightening them on some of my insights.

It must've been a very slow day in sports cuz a bunch of people started calling in. One particular guy called in and claimed that the dirtiest place in the bathroom is not the faucet handle, but instead, the handle to the throne. He pointed out that, "Everybody flushes but not everybody washes." He has a point...but I won't sway from my position.

Apparently, there are a bunch of people out there who, like me, sit around and think of these things.

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