Sunday, June 18, 2006

New Year's Resolution

At the beginning of this year... I made three resolutions to my cell group. With much confidence, I can say I've succeed in none of them.

1) Wake up at 6AM to have Time with Abba.

Sigh... It's a constant struggle to meet the first (and most important) one. If I want to keep my current work and school schedule, I'll have to wake up at 5AM!! Oh...that means I have to sleep before 10PM. Is that possible???

2) Climb Halfdome with Yao Chung

Climbing Halfdome will also be tough!! Yao Chung is off to China in August and I'm off to Europe in September. Before we know it, Halfdome will be closed off to the public. Better hurry up.

3) Work out at least three times a week.

Today in front of church's office, Andrew pokes at my luv-handles and exclaims, "WOW!! You have a lot of excess fat!!" Ohhhhhhhhhhhh..... how sad..... On an exciting note, that one statement has reignited my fire to keep this third resolution!! I'm gonna lose all that fat surrounding my I can gain it all back in Paris and Italy...hor hor hor.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Working out at least three times a week! To accomplish that, instead of using the clicker, get up to change the channel. If you do that everyday, that'll equal two days of working out. Then for day three....a little 9 hole action at the golf course should do it. Looking for all those lost balls and stuff. I'm itching for some action!