Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's the most wonderful time...of the year

I love Christmas. Love it.. love it.. love it. (aside from the flippin' freezing temperature!!!)

Every year around this time, KNBR, KLOVE and AIR-1 steps aside as I tune into 96.5 KOIT for 24/7 Christmas Carols. I love driving through Willow Glen, turn my headlights off and seeing every single house having a Christmas Tree on their front lawn. I love going to the malls seeing wreaths and lights hanging everywhere. I love the laughter of children and the grumblings of adults as they line up for a picture with Santa Claus.

Everybody is in a giddy mood because it's a good reason to spend money. And Americans love to spend money. We just need a reason to do it. And even if people may not admit it, I bet that people enjoy the gift of giving more than receiving.

Most importantly, I love Christmas because it marks the day that Jesus chose to humble himself to come down on earth to be with us that we may have the chance to seek salvation and re-enter into God's glory.

Conversely... I hate Valentine's Day. But let's wait a couple of months before I rant on that (again...)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My highlights of the Thanksgiving Retreat

Joyce and I skipped the YA Summit this year and have been looking forward to the CS Retreat. So many things happened during the three days up in the Santa Cruz mountains. Here are just some of my personal highlights.

  1. Pastor SARS - A year after HK PCS, he still remembers me. How cool...
  2. TWA by Poon C-mo - Not a big fan of corporate TWA. But God opened my eyes to new ways of spending time with him.
  3. Loving my wife UNCONDITIONALLY -
  4. Joseph candlelight sharing and confessions - You just had to be there.
  5. Each and every individual public testimonies - Especially Michael and Ketty's
  6. Moonchi and Christie - AMAZING brother and sister
  7. Revivial of Joseph and SJCAC - The entire CS knelt before the cross and prayed for forgiveness and mercy. Tears of confession flowed but the end result is glory in God.
  8. Hiking up the Sand Dunes with Joyce - WHAT?! JOYCE?! HIKING?!? UPHILL!??! NO WAY!!!!! 1 Peter 3:1
  9. Poon C-mo's confession
  10. Wilson and Tim-tim stopping by Andy's Bait and Tackle for clam chowder - They woulda won the race had they brought the judges a bowl also.
  11. Cup o' Noodles and porridge - SHOUT OUT TO CANDY!!!
  12. A new journey with Jesus - "Lead the way, Jesus... I will follow"

Sunday, November 26, 2006

4th and inches...

It's 4th and inches!!!
WHY WOULDN'T YOU GO FOR IT?!?!?!?!?AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
49ers 17
Rams 20

Monday, November 20, 2006

A blessing in my life...

It's not by coincident that God places certain people into our lives. Be it to mentor us (pastors, parents) or to serve us (parents, friends) or to challenge us (teachers, peers). I've been blessed with a huge family of brothers and sisters who continue to show me by example how to live a faithful life in God. A particular dear brother of mine has been very influential in my life in the biggest of ways and the tiniest of avenues.

One instance, we were driving on Hwy 17 when we missed our exit. Having to make a U-turn on the Santa Cruz hills is like trying to find good service at Fry's. We were sitting there for about 5 minutes (more like 1...) and I got a little (very) antsy. When I saw "potential" spots to turn... I would put on my backseat driver hat and scream "GO!! GO!! GO!!"

Course...this brother, being the cool and composed character he is, doesn't want to scare the on coming traffic. Instead, he whispers a prayer to God.... and within seconds, traffic completely disappears from the on-coming side!! We were able to bust a "U" without any worries!! I may be able to run off Proverbs 3:5-6 like the multiplication table... but this brother actually lives it.

Thank you Lord... for giving me another lesson in life.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Just one of dem days....

Ever sit on a wet spot and have the cold cool feeling linger on all day long?? Happened to me yesterday... all day long, that area under the left rear pocket of my pants felt cold. I figure I must've spilled coffee on my chair and sat on it. Accidents happen...right??

So last night, I get out of the car and start walking to school. And that chilly feeling is still there!! Did I spill coffee in on my car seat also? I reach back to feel my...uh....lower butt.... and lo and behold... my finger was touching my leg!! Like a dog chasing it's tail...I tried to look around to see a HUGE GAPING HOLE!!! Geez Louise!!! I must've walked around the entire campus yesterday...showing off my beautiful "lower butt" to everyone... but people were just too shy to come up and tell me...

It's just one of dem days....

After Thanksgiving sale: I needa get me some new jeans...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

This moment in time...

(highlight to read)

...I feel sad. One after another, they are leaving. For better or worse, this is God's plan and I should be joyful. But I'm not....

...I feel betrayed. My 49ers are under the rule of a nasty owner who has gone to far extremes to get his way while undermining the city of San Francisco and the millions of fans who have supported this organization throughout the years.

...I feel numb. The Oakland A's are going through the exact same ordeal as my Niners and I don't give a rats' nest about it.

...I feel cold. My hot cup of coffee has been set down too long and is now at room temperature. Room temperature at the Leung Residence is very cold and I now I think I'm drinking iced coffee.

...I feel distanced. Hebrews 10:26 has left an empty feeling inside me.

...I feel hungry. I ate dinner at 6:30 last night and it's been nearly 14 hours since I've eaten.

...I feel burdened and frustrated. When can I exit from hibernation?

...I feel torn. Democrats have overtaken Congress...first time since 1994. This means America can finally concentrate more on domestic problems and downgrade foreign policies to a lower priority. But that means I might be looking for a job in about 6 months.

...I feel like a loser. All the propositions I supported, especially the education bonds, lost in the polls. What country am I living in? We barely pass the cigarettes law. And education is overwhelmingly shot down? Socialism has it's perks too... Kudos to Marx and Mao. If only humans were not selfish beasts.

...I feel like I'm done venting and it's time to start thinking about what I'm gonna have for lunch.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


OH YEAH!! The Democrats retake control of House!!

Just down to Virginia to see has control of the Senate -- and CONGRESS!!

So much for Dubya's legacy years... He's gonna be busy the next two years avoiding impeachment while rallying the GOP for the 2008 Presidential Election...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Election Day - Eve

So much is riding on this year's election!! Will the Democrats retake the House? Will we have a woman, Speaker of the House? And what if Hillary wins in 2008 and appoints Diane Feinstein as Vice President?!?!?! The top 3 highest ranking government officials will be WOMEN!!! How cool will that be?!?!?!

Friday, November 03, 2006

So long ESPN

It's shows like The World Cup-Stacking Championships that make me make want to cancel ESPN and save $30 a month. Until Giants baseball starts up long ESPN....