Sunday, May 30, 2010

Keep holy the Sabbath day...

As far back as I can remember, I haven't missed a "Sunday Service" outside of those years when Joyce and I first started dating in college. Even if we go on vacation, we'll be sure to find a house of worship as part of our itinerary.

This weekend, we made a quick getaway to Monterey Bay on Sunday/Monday. And instead of going to church, then heading down to Cannery Row, we decided to visit a local church that has Saturday evening service.

We've heard much things about this church and boy was it worth going! First off... I have to say that there's just no place like home. No matter how anointed this church has been, no matter how packed their programs are, no matter how hi-tech their AV system is... there simply is no place like home.

One thing worth noting is the mixture in demographics. There were people from all walks of life. Different ethnicities, nationalities, social classes, gender, ecetera, ectera.... but not matter where you go, no matter the size of the sanctuary, no matter who is speaking on the pulpit... God is always trying to open our eyes, ears and heart to something.

The Sabbath, for us, was a Saturday evening time. And indeed, it was holy...

Mood: impressed

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All Good Things

Stardate: 47988

Random Thursday night... and on channel 13 KOFY, it's showing the series finale of Star Trek TNG - "All Good Things.."

Goes with the theme of the past several weeks of season and series finales - non-bigger than LOST. None more gasp - finally! than Law-and-Order. None more thought provoking than Simon Cowell leaving American Idol.

After 9 seasons, the man you love to hate is leaving the show that he single-handedly created. And who was there to celebrate? There was Joe Crocker! Janet Jackson! The Celebrit Apprentice - Brett Michael!! Christina Aguilera! Chicago! Hall & Oates!! My goodness - it's like the living Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame!

More impressively... all the winners from the past 8 seasons all came back to pay one last tribute to Simon. Including the runner-ups. Including, even, Paula Abdul herself!

Now THAT is a legacy.

Can't help but think... what kind of legacy am I leaving? And if I were to take a leave of absence, will I have even 1% of the respect Simon got...and deserves?

Mood: empty

Sunday, May 23, 2010


What a horrible weekend... a weekend summarized by the word - LOST.

The Sharks get swept in the Western Conference final: 0-4 - LOST
The Giants get swept by the A's - scoring only 1 run over the entire weekend - LOST
Rarely do Joyce and I get captivated by a TV program... and in about 2 hours, it will come to an end... - LOST.

Farewell, once again, is bittersweet....

Mood: Lost

Friday, May 21, 2010

More Worries

Sharks are on the brink of elimination... what's it gonna take for me to experience another championship? Will I truly die without seeing the Giants, Warrios, Niners, Sharks stand atop the world??

Maybe that's the key... retire in a place where their team will win... From the looks of things, I'm gonna retire in MILAN!!!!!

Mood: overly depressed

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Recently been thinking about retirement. Maybe cuz my folks are approaching that milestone and the thought keeps recurring.

A buddy of mine (66 years old) returned to the workforce because he simply couldn't afford to retire. He previously thought that 70% of his salary would be enough for he and his wife. He didn't realize that he needed 100%! Immediately, one would think of insurance as the prime driver. Indeed, it is. But the most pressing source of drainage comes from taxes!!

It's no wonder people move to places w/o state tax or sales tax or property tax.

How can I possibly retire in the Bay Area by the age of 35??

Mood: poor

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Learning to say "No"

Ever have trouble saying "No?"

A few years ago when jobs were scarce - everyone and anyone became a "Yes-Man (or woman)." They'd say "yes" to just about anything.

"Do you know Verilog?" "YES" (then you go learn it over the weekend)
"Do you know EVM?" "YES" (then you try googling it only to find nothing online...)
"Do you love me?" "YES" (only to realize that it's a loaded question...)
"Why don't you get me a bigger diamond?" "Uh...."

So hard these days to say "No" to someone. Especially when it's someone you know and love (as a brother/sister). Especially when you yourself hate it when others say "no" to you.

But sometimes, saying "No", as brutally honest as it is, is truly the best answer.

"Can I get a raise?" "NO"
"Would you like to open a macy's credit card?" "NO"
"Do you know how fast you were driving?" "NO, officer"

Then the ultimate question...

"Can you drink from my cup..."

Mood: "No Mood"

Friday, May 07, 2010


Last week, we accidentally spilled water onto our laptop. Instantly, our laptop shut down.
We shook the water out...and even used a blow dryer to blow on it. Still wouldn't turn on.

Decided to get it fixed. The initial quote was $245 - flat. The store said they'll probably need to replace the power chip or video chip. $245 or a new laptop... Sigh... why not. So I decided to get it fixed.

I got home... and Joyce said, "$245!! I rather get a new laptop!!" Sigh....

Called the store back...and the dropped the price to $185. Cool... let's fix it!!

But Joyce was still not happy - cuz the store is a hole in the wall. We didn't want them to have access to our harddrive.

I google'd and found 9 out of 10 posts said just open up the laptop and let it air dry for two days.

So I disassembled my laptop. Two days later, I put the thing back together and wouldn't you know it... it worked!!

$185 for 20 minutes worth of real labor. Now that's why ppl call American the Land of Opportunity.

Mood: relieved

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


The other day... I was brushing my teeth and the tube of toothpaste was almost gone. So I grabbed a cassette tape and used the corner to flatten out the tube to squeeze more toothpaste out. Someone, who shall remain nameless and whose name rhymes with "Joice", saw what I did and busted out laughing and called me CHEAP!!! CHEAP SHE SAID!!!!

And she (or he) also laughs at me when I pour water into an empty bottle of shampoo or dishwashing lotion to get the last bit out.

Seriously... am I the only one that does that???

Mood: stunned

Saturday, May 01, 2010

At the checkout line - REVISITED

Revisting a March 2007 post - "At the checkout line"

First of all... I'm personally amazed at how I remember writing a post from 3+ years ago.

So I was at Mituswa today getting some Ramen which is CASH only. The total came out to be $19.56. I handed a $20 bill to the 17-18 year old cashier.

(QUICK!! How much change would I get back?!?!?! )

Without having to reach for your iPhone to calculate it... you should already know it's $0.44. Not too hard, right?

(But here's the good part...)

Who would want four pennies jingling in their pocket? Oh lookie here!! There's a tip jar right in front of the cashier with a crapload of coins. I reach in... grab a penny... and hand it to the cashier.

She did not know what to do. Stunned. Do the math... please.

The bill is $19.56.
I have now given her $20.01.
What should I get back?

She couldn't do the math... she was stuck. Poor her. I try to make life easier for her but I end up embarrassing the both of us. I told her to give me $0.45. She said, "Oh...okay." And I dropped a nickle back into the tip jar and said, "Was just trying to make the math easier."

Here's the thing...
1) Whatever happened to simple arithmetic?
2) What's the big deal about taking change from their tip jar? I got chastised before for this. It's not like I'm stealing from their life savings. I'm breaking change. And even if I don't put money back... it's just a penny!! Am I really the only person that does that?

Mood: cloud nine