Sunday, August 29, 2010

Training: Plateau'ed

Sigh... was trying to hit the 10 mile mark today, but by the 8th mile, my body told me to shut down.  And, for today at least, my mind succumbed to my body. A little more than a month left... prayerfully I can overcome this plateau!!!

Mood: failure

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Training: Chase yourself

"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air." ~1 Cor 9:25-26

On my 5th or 6th mile today... a lady passes me on my left.  She was petite, in her late 20's perhaps.  All of a sudden, I have this new found energy to follow her and keep pace with her.  Poor her...she probably thought I was stalking her.

But that's kinda the trick sometimes...right?  When training... you find someone / something to chase after.  If you're doing it alone... you have no clue how fast, how slow, how hard, how soft you're training.  She made that mile go by so much faster and easier!!

Folks...that's the same way with our walk in Christ.  Have you found yourself walking aimlessly... not knowing who to follow? Are you having trouble following Jesus cuz he's just a bit too far ahead of you.  That's alright...because you're in a fellowship of believers.  People who are like you...but may have a better perception of Jesus.  Find one of those...follow him or her... get your stamina going and pretty soon, you'll see yourself being followed by a bunch of trainees. 

Mood: philosophical

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Training: Mile High, Mile Shy

Went running this morning during my trip to Denver...and I couldn't even make 5 miles. 
Then I realized that with every mile of elevation... subtract a mile from your regular distance.

I have now newfound respect for John Elway.  But still... he's no Montana.

Oh... and my knee hurts!! How about that...?

Mood: exhausted

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Training: The 7 mile limit

Woke up early today to try to break the7 mile limit.  Drove around a bit to find the entrance to Los Gatos Creek Trail. 

Wouldn't recommend the trail if it was getting dark or too early.  There are some homeless people that might be a little unstable.  Like that lady that kept yelling at me... "What are you staring at?!?"  And there's the stench of urine under some of the crossovers.

Took me roughly an hour and 10 minutes to finish what I THINK is 7 miles.  I went back to look at the map and I'm questioning my own memory of which street the park dead ends at. 

Mood: accomplished 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Training: Accelerate

Chatted with a buddy who finished the marathon last year.  His goal was to get to 9 miles by the week of the race and he'll be fine.  But he's in much better shape than I am. 

So tonight, I pushed for 9 laps!  Roughly 5.4 miles.  Not bad!  Though I'm still at a 9 minute mile. 

Wore my podometer tonight and each mile equates to about 550 steps.  Another nice number for metrics.

Really need to fix my Playlist.  I waste too much energy click "NEXT" all the time cuz the songs just aren't running songs, y'know?

Mood: exhausted

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Underneath Cleopatra's Needle in Britain lies a time capsule.  Inside the time capsule are "a set coins, children's toys, a city directory, photographs of the twelve most beautiful women of the day, a razor and in 215 languages, a verse from the Bible.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 

excerpt from 3:16 The Numbers of Hope - Max Lucado

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Training: Regime

Found an online training regime.  They suggest, for a 13 week training regime, start with 1 mile and add one mile every week.  That's 13 weeks or 3 months.  I have roughly 8 weeks.

They suggest to initially try runmomg non-stop for 30 minutes.  I can barely do 20 minutes right now!! How am I gonna catch up? Needa accelerate the training... push for 7 miles by the end of this week!

Mood: overwhelmed 

Friday, August 06, 2010


$17.50 for two tickets!?!? Are you kidding me??????  When did they start charging an arm and a leg for 2 hours of worthless entertainment?  We got our movie pass at Costco, but it was still $15!  How do young people afford to date nowadays?  Popcorn, soda... maybe a lunch or dinner. Darn you capitalistic monoliths!!!!

As for the movie... *sigh.... I fell asleep during the first 20 minutes.  So was the rest of 2 hours a dream? Did I actually sit through 2 hours of over-exaggerated action?  Cuz in reality, I'm sure I wouldn't pay $15 to watch a movie like that!!! 

Apologies to the folks who loved INCEPTION.  But for those of you who compared it to "MEMENTO", I am on the verge of disassociating myself from you. Ok... maybe not that drastic.  But it's close.

Mood: jipped

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Training: New highs!

Woohoo!! Pushed 4 laps around the block today.  By the Google Map's guesstimation...each lap is around 0.6 miles.  So I'm around 2 miles at roughly 10 minutes per mile.  Time wise, it's a little embarrassing, but at least I'm building up on endurance and stamina.

Mood: encouraged

Word origins...

How about these days when people say, "Oh... I'm gonna tape the show on my DVR." or "I'll tape the game and watch it later."  People in my generation (Gen-X and earlier) probably still know what it means.  But kids these days under the age of 10 probably have no clue!!  But it probably rolls off their tongue like the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mood: exhausted

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Happy Endings...

Not that I watch TMZ or Extra or ET...but I am a closet fan of celebrity gossip. Especially their love lives. Recently, gossip has it that 許志安 & 鄭秀文傳復合.

Still remember back in the days when they ruled HK showbiz. Then all of a sudden, they go their separate ways. But if two people are truly meant together, 10 years shouldn't be a big barrier, should it?

There are those who hit a HR on their first at-bat. There are those who strike out...and are waiting for their next go around. And then there are those who are great players, but still roaming in the minors or riding pine. Oh... sports analogies. You can't go wrong with them.

Mood: frustrated cuz my dishwasher broke...