Sunday, August 01, 2010

Happy Endings...

Not that I watch TMZ or Extra or ET...but I am a closet fan of celebrity gossip. Especially their love lives. Recently, gossip has it that 許志安 & 鄭秀文傳復合.

Still remember back in the days when they ruled HK showbiz. Then all of a sudden, they go their separate ways. But if two people are truly meant together, 10 years shouldn't be a big barrier, should it?

There are those who hit a HR on their first at-bat. There are those who strike out...and are waiting for their next go around. And then there are those who are great players, but still roaming in the minors or riding pine. Oh... sports analogies. You can't go wrong with them.

Mood: frustrated cuz my dishwasher broke...

1 comment:

Anderson said... was during the same time when Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock ruled the WWF! Now they're going their separate ways. One more time at Wrestlemania!!!