Friday, August 06, 2010


$17.50 for two tickets!?!? Are you kidding me??????  When did they start charging an arm and a leg for 2 hours of worthless entertainment?  We got our movie pass at Costco, but it was still $15!  How do young people afford to date nowadays?  Popcorn, soda... maybe a lunch or dinner. Darn you capitalistic monoliths!!!!

As for the movie... *sigh.... I fell asleep during the first 20 minutes.  So was the rest of 2 hours a dream? Did I actually sit through 2 hours of over-exaggerated action?  Cuz in reality, I'm sure I wouldn't pay $15 to watch a movie like that!!! 

Apologies to the folks who loved INCEPTION.  But for those of you who compared it to "MEMENTO", I am on the verge of disassociating myself from you. Ok... maybe not that drastic.  But it's close.

Mood: jipped


Roy2000 said...

Try to go to a website called "secondlife". Partially similar to what Inception movie was doing.

Cousin Larry Anderson said...

Man...finally found the silver tickets..a little too late....
Inception was great! Ready for the "kick"!