Friday, December 23, 2011

A look back at 2011

2011 - What is 2011? It's a prime number as well as an odd number.  It's a first of the 10's, I guess, or whatever you call this decade.  It marks the end of many eras (Space Shuttle, Steve Jobs, Oprah, War in Iraq) as well as the beginning of many more (Occupy, Middle Eastern Revolutions, Jim Harbaugh). 
But what was 2011 for me? Or.. in reality, what was 2011 like for my family?

Let's go through the bottom 3 of 2011 before we hit the top 10. In no particular order....
  1. Sharks lose to Vancouver in Game 7 of Western Conference Final / Buster Posey goes down with season ending injury. -- I know... how can sports matter so much in your life? I don't know either... bite me.
  2. Virus and bacteria and germs - oh my! - Croup, Multiple bouts of cold, Hand Foot Mouth, food allergies plagued Nui-nui and Bebe and ultimately our family.
  3. Being a father / Being a husband / Being an employee / Being a son- there was a 2 month period where I completely failed at being any one of the four. And when that happened... I had no one to turn to for help or comfort.  No one.
Let's do the easier one... or the happier one... or the one where I actually blogged about.
In reverse order, as it should be, I guess

10. Got jobs??  - In this economy, we can't take anything for granted. Childcare, diapers, data plans, gas... they all cost money.  Not a day goes by where we're not thankful (though we do complain every now and then...tee hee!)
9. United Premier Membership. - >25,000 miles in one calendar year.  What does that mean? In 2012, free upgrades, early boarding, free baggage check, etc...
8.  Mother/Daughter Bond - During the 2 weeks MIL lived with us to during 坐月, Joyce was able to re-establish a mother/daughter relationship that is oh, so precious and priceless.
7. Family reunion in NY - Blogged about it here.  In essence, got to see members of my family I've never met and might never ever see again.
6. Promotion to Manager - Finally made that step from engineer to manager.  In a way, it caused a huge strain in our marriage and family... (see bottom #3 above) but it also helped me earn #9.  A new chapter being written.... and thus far, the first few pages have been respectable.
5.Wedding Bells - Two of my closest friend and my best friend got engaged and/or married this year. One word.... FINALLY!!!!
4. Fruits of the Loin - Two of our closest family friends were blessed with their little ones 1 week apart!  Eden Fellowship's population increased by almost 40% within two months!! 
3. Nui-stones - Simply too many to summarize in a couple of sentences.  But looking back at my 2011 blog, over 70% of the entries were dedicated to Nui-nui and her daily/weekly/monthly milestones.
2. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!! - And to you who thinks I'm crazy for putting this #2, NEW YORK CAB DRIVER SALUTE TO YOU!!!!   56 years of futility and we finally get to raise the World Series Banner at AT&T.

and the #1 event of 2011 for me.............. it's actually quite easy when you think about it.  It's already been foreshadowed twice in the list above.  

1. Birth of My Son - 為梁家繼後香燈.  I know... it's old fashion.  I know... it's old society.  I know...!  But there still was that infinitesimal pressure of needing to have a male in our blood line.  No idea where that idea came from.  And not even saying it's right, proper or justified.  In any case, that day was best summarized in my Running Diary. Though, that's not why it's #1.  Any children is a true blessing from God.  I can only be thankful that I even have the honor of being a parent twice.

For all the good times and bad times... I still give praise and thanks to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Creed

This is My Creed.  I will add to it. I will stand by it.  But I'm not stubborn enough to refuse to change it. 

I believe... one true God. Jesus Christ, my Savior, the only begotten Son of God the Father. the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, who still empowers us today. love at first sight
...democrats and republicans are both right
 ...good coffee could be had with sugar/cream, but great coffee should be enjoyed black the education system
...ten hugs and kisses can not ever repair the damage caused by yelling at your child once public displays of affection
...that people can change
...the biggest short coming of any economic system (capitalism, socialism, etc...) is GREED
...3DTV will not sell taking risks is a sport
...6" of extra leg space should not come with a price even though it's priceless
...the 2002 Giants would've won Game 6 had Dusty kept Ortiz in the game
...we are the only living beings in this universe can't prove everything empirically
...we spend too much time and money arguing and debating instead of doing
...complacency and comfort is just as deadly to a soul as drugs and alcohol to a body
...marriage is ordained for a man and a woman
...ghosts and demons, as much as I believe in angels and spirits
...I have lot to add to this list...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

And the torture subsides...

Was finally able to sleep last night.... went to bed at 11:30PM and woke up around 4:30AM to the voice of Nui-nui crying for Bah-bee. 

Long time no sleep.... how I miss thee.  But my throat, tongue and mouth still ohhhhh sooooo sore I can't eat too much before the pain is too overbearing. 

At the very least though... sleep means rest... means I'm less anxious and on edge.... means less screaming and yelling and angry looks at poor Nui-nui.

Friday, December 16, 2011

If I had one wish....

If I had one wish....what would it be???

Some might say "World Peace."  Prior to 2010, some may have said "let the Giants win the World Series."
Some of the more clever folks will say, "I wish for infinite amount of wishes."  Course...there are over a million movies who've done that premise where the person says something like "I wish this never happened....only to realize it wasn't REALLY a wish, just a figure of speech." 

One of my friend taught me an even more clever trick..."An infinite amount of wishes provided a snap my fingers every time."  That way.... I won't slip and say something like, "I wish you were dead!!!"

Well.... be careful what you wish for, cuz it must might come true.

After the holidays feastings... the huge amount of travel... the generous amount of portions I feed myself, I told Joyce that I wish I could go on a fast.  Of course.... fasting shouldn't be for personal gain.  Rather, it should be God ordained and for His purpose.  But He works in weird ways.

With this stinken (no pun intended) HFM disease, I've lost my appetite for 4 days now.  And when I'm hungry, the sores in my mouth, tongue and throat prevent me from wanting to eat.  Not only that... I've been wanting to reduce the amount I speak, cuz.... I know more than anyone, I talk waaaaaaaaay too much when not invited to speak.  With these canker sores, I'm limited to how much I can talk around the house!! 

Sigh.... such it is.

Apex'ed yet?

Gosh... and I thought the fever was bad.  Last night die for.

After a warm shower and some oatmeal body wash to reduce the itching, I applied some Calamine to my rashes.  Only....the warm shower apparently made the itch 100x worse!!  I tried everything to get rid of the itch.  I took a shot of benadryl.  No avail.  I doused myself with layers and layers of hydrocortisone.  Minutes of relief.  The pain wasn't close to subsiding.  I finally grabbed a couple of ice packs.... one to step on with both feet and one to grab with both hands.  That...finally...provided some relief.

And I hung onto that thing for dear life for the rest of the night. Had four ice packs going...switching it up every time they melted.  Then I took a shot of nyquil, hoping I can fall sleep.  Didn't work one bit.

Stayed up the entire night ITCHING.  Like the soles of my hand and feet have these ants and bugs crawling on it, gnawing and chewing on my tissue.  Again, the only form of relief was to hold onto an ice pack for dear life. 

Finally, at 4AM, I was able to close my eyes for an hour.  And when I woke up.... the itch went away.  But instead of itch....each and every spot that itched, is replaced with a soaring pain!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pimples are back!!

Ah... teenage awkwardness can best be ostentatiously described by: lowering of voice... gaining a foot in height.... and breaking out all over the place. And this morning, I was officially transported back to high school sophomore year when I looked into the mirror and little red spots were all over my face.

No no... they're not pimples.  They are, as a matter of fact, a weird form of hand-foot-mouth disease.  This disease is common in children <5, and when it happens, little red spots/bumps grow on your hand, feet and around your mouth.  Unfortunate for me and Nui-nui, we've been zapped with a more severe form of this.  She has bumps all over her legs and arms and arms.  I have it on my hand, feet and face.  And adults suffer more from this disease than kids do.  In fact, my hands and feet itched so much today, I couldn't even sleep!!

Stoopid me!! We first thought it was chickenpox.  And since I had chickenpox when I was small and have the immunity, I was taking close care of Rachel without any extra precautions.  Look at me now.  Pimple face.  Pepperoni-pizza. Strawberry patch.  You name it.  I'm it. 

Wonder who Agent Zero is.  Must be some kid from day care.

Thursday, December 08, 2011



三藩市中國城的“會賓樓”已關閉﹐“金山酒樓”到本月底也關閉﹔“ 迎賓閣”也放盤出售﹐再加上“荔香村”關茶市﹐“其昌”關夜市﹐生意越來越難做啦。到哪裡飲茶好呢﹖只有“ 亞洲園”啦。

Tuesday, December 06, 2011


First time in 9 years..... goodness, gracious.

Red and Gold.  Why do I still doubt??

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Blood thicker than water

While on a business trip in the East Coast... I had a chance to rendevous with my cousin in Manhattan.  It was over an hour way from where I stayed in Conneticut.  But I figured it's worth the drive since it's afterall Manhattan.

That afternoon, I find out it wasn't just him I was having dinner with.  But the entire family.  I was excited. Very excited.  I get to see my uncle and aunt again.  Not just any uncle... but my dad's younger brother.  A man I've seen three times in my life.  Once when I was 2-3.  I have no recollection, except my uncle's daughter picked on me.  Another time in 1992 at the Guangzhou Train Station.  We were back for my grandfather's funeral and he happened to be there for other business.  And one time when he and his wife came to visit us about 3 years ago.  This was the fourth time. 

He's not really my dad's brother.  He's actually the son of my dad's uncle -- or my grandfather's brother.  But in the Chinese culture... we overemphasize the closeness and proximity of the male bloodline.  The son of your father's brother... is also your brother.  Likewise, the daughter of your father's brother, is your sister.  Not so for the sister of your father.  Any offspring from your father's sister is simply a cousin. 

Aside from my uncle (my dad's brother), I saw my aunt (my dad's sister).  Never seen her in my life. And there was grandma.  My dad's aunt.  Or my grandfather's brother's wife.  She currently reigns as the eldest i the Leung family tree.  Everyone else has bit the dust.   I see these two people.  Two people who know nothing about me... and I know nothing about them.  Yet... we talk and chat like we've known each other all our lives. 

And the most important person I wanted to see and get to know.... my older sister.  I've always wanted to call someone 家姐 or 妹.  My sister... 3 years my elder.... saw me once when I was two.  She may have seen some pictures of me here or there.  And may have heard of me through my uncle.  But I had this irresistible urge to want a hug from my sister.  One that's of my own.... from my own.  She made a wisecrack that I shouldn't call her 家姐 cuz I'm much taller than her.  But throughout the rest of dinner... I purposely said that term over and over again cuz I loved hearing it.  And when we parted.... I gave her a farewell hug and said, "再見喇家姐." She returned a hug... and didn't say anything.  Somehow... I'm choosing to believe that she likes having me as a younger brother.

I drove over 2 hours of New York traffic just to have this 1.5 hour dinner with folks I barely even know.  But that 2 hours was probably the best investments I've ever made into my life.