Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bedtime Stories - The Poor, Sad Wolf

Siu Wah was overtired and could not fall asleep.  But both mommy and daddy were exhausted.  In my exhaustion... I had another jolt of creativity.

SW demanded the story, "大灰狼", Which is his way of saying he wants the story of The Three Little Pigs.  This is the story I've told a hundred times.... to a point where he repeats the lines with me.  The same story I told Nn.... since she was 2. 

And for whatever twisted, demented reason... I told the story from the Big Bad Wolf's point of view -- where he was the victim of three naughty pigs!

Every last detail that I usually tell in the "classical" version.... I tell the complete opposite.  Down to the "I'll huff...and I'll puff.... and I'll bloooooooooow your house away" became the wolf crying and sobbing "Hawuwuwuw....Pawuwuwuwu....Wawuwuwuwuw...."

The story was so good... even Joyce applauded.

I wonder.... had I only told Nn the classical version all her childhood.  And I only tell SW the "twisted" version all his childhood..... then have them come together and tell each other the story... what would their reactions be??  Oh man....

Now..... do I truly start pursuing my career as a children's book author??? Hrmmm......

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