Monday, November 11, 2013

Family Altar - Day 2

Family Altar - Day 2

Rolled out of bed around 5AM this morning.... and still didn't have enough time to finish TWA.  Come Family Altar time... I was holding my journal not really sure what to discuss. Did a quick scan... and ran across the verse, "我們憑著耶穌的血,可以坦然無懼地進入至聖所。" 

So that was the theme for the night... because of Christ's blood, our sins are cleansed and we don't have to fear! 

Then Nn goes on a 3 minute theological rant on the whole story of salvation!!  Wow....

And just like the first night... I bless Nn.  She reluctantly, but fluently blesses Mahmee.  Mahmee blesses SW... and I get the anchor.  HA!  Let's keep this going!!

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