Sunday, November 03, 2013

Days gone by...

Couple weeks ago... I was out in SF visiting the folks.  I found an hour in between with nothing to do.. so I decided to take an aimless stroll through Chinatown.  And my legs instinctively led me back to Sts. Peter and Paul.

The towering spirals could be seen from blocks away.  The whiff of marinara and Italian pastry flooded my nostrils as the sounds of the Muni stopping and going blended in with the laughing old men and the shrill of tourists.  It's been...oh.... 15 years since I've made this trek?

Walking past Washington Square, the panhandlers and the statues are all still there.  The façade of this church, this cathedral, hasn't changed one bit.  The same gargoyles...the same inscriptions...the same mass schedule.

I made a quick stop inside the church.  Everything... the same.  I didn't genuflect when I walked up the middle aisle as I was so accustomed to doing the first 18+ years of my life.  I ambled around the church like a tourist... inspecting, finding, scavenging for each relic and hidden gem.  Once again... nothing has changed.  The priest sits in the same chair... the very same one.  The altar boys...same kneelers. The candles... constant. 

I saw the sacristian come out to prepare for the 12:15PM mass.  He's changed.  It was once Frank... then Bill.  I don't recognize this man anymore.

Time to go... I walked past the huge playground and saw a bunch of kids running out during recess.  Hmmm... no longer are the kids 90% Asian.  It's now predominantly white...with a sprinkle of color.  What happened???

I stood there, probably longer than I should have, looking like a pedophile wannabe.  When all along... I was just thinking of the days gone by.....

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