Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bedtime Stories - Princess Lei-lei

Suddenly had a jolt of creativity... and decided to make up a bedtime story for Nn.  The story... surrounds a little princess, Lei-lei, who had her crown taken away from her cuz she was naughty.  And to earn her crown back... she has to complete 10 tasks.. (or 10 labors, ala Hercules??).  I don't know where I came up with 10.... but between the start of dinner and after dinner... I decided the 10 tasks equated to the 10 commandments!!  And the moral of the story... a true princess need not have a crown.  If she behaves and keeps the 10 commandments... she already is a princess.  All that matters is inner beauty.

I told Nn the story over a span of 3 days.  First day.... the 8th, 9th, 10th commandments.  Second day... the 5th, 6th, 7th.  And the last day... the first four commandments. 

At the end of the 3rd day... after Princes Lei-lei completed the 10 tasks to be a princess without a crown... I asked Nn.  "Do you want a crown now?" 

Naturally... she says, "Yes... I want a pretty crown." 

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