Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family Altar - Day 1

Family Altar - Day 1

We dedicated that we'll set up our Family Altar and at 7PM every night, come together as a family to worship, pray and intercede.  Big words for a 4 and 2 year old... right?

Can't really do TWA with them just yet... maybe another year. 

So tonight, on our first night, I sat them down and told them a simple story -- the story of Abraham and how he listened and obeyed God. 

I then blessed Nn to obey God.
Then I asked her to bless Mah-mee.
Then Mah-mee blessed SW.
And finally...SW came and gave me a hug and repeated after me, "May God bless bah-bee...Amen."

First night... not even 5 minutes.  Let's see how this goes....

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