Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Family Altar - Day 4 - Prayer Meeting

Family Altar - Day 4

Decided to take the easy way out... instead of thinking of something to do for Family Altar... we decided to bring the family to Prayer Meeting and use that as "Family Time." 

It sounded like a great idea.  We bathed the kids early... ate early.... got them dressed early.  But there's a reason why we haven't gone in months.  And tonight, it reminded us that its past the kids' bedtime and they're way too tired. 

We even left early... immediately after worship.  But both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home.  They weren't in their PJ's so we had to wake them back up...then put them back to sleep.  We left early... had we stayed the entire time and the kids get overtired, our night will probably still be going. 

Geez.... on a sidebar... what happened to SJCAC's prayer meeting?  At the start time... only the Pastors, their wives and the ES MA's were there.  The Children Ministries workers were there.  And there were the four of us - probably the only folks who don't "work" there.  Slowly, the two CS MA's showed up.  Slowly, Danny, Connie and their 4 kids showed up.  I really admire them for their consistency and faithfulness.

Still remember back in the days... Wednesday night was fun! We'll go to PM... meet up with the crowd.... have 2 hours worth of harp and bowl... then go out for late night snack!  Nowadays... PM is reduced to 1.5 hours.  Anyone with infant/toddlers probably are "busy."  Kids that are in school have too much homework.  Where has things fallen....? 

As the head of the household... I truly want to lead my family to Prayer Meeting.  Every week.  Be there at 730 sharp!  Get my kids use to praying... let them know this household is a house of prayer!  Yet....there are just so many obstacles... so many excuses... so many reasons not to go. 


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