Thursday, April 10, 2014

Annual Vacation - Happiest Place on Earth

Siu Wah turns three pretty we made our final trip to Disneyland before we have to pay for 4 people. It's amazing how much detail Nn remembers from our last trip two years ago.  Down to the name of the rides... the snack she ate... and some of the corners we took!

This year, we went very cheap.  Brought our rice cooker and made dinner twice in our room, on top of making the typical macaroni/Spam breakfast.  One night it was Ranch99 Roast Duck... and another night it was Costco $4.99 chicken.  The chicken became breakfast the next day... and also became chicken sandwiches for lunch.  A well lived chicken..... for $5.

We're slowly moving into the phase of parenthood where meeting the characters matter.   I'm sure next trip... we'll be those parents with autograph books and pins and what-not.  Sigh... hopefully we can skip that phase.  Or we can talk some sense into them!!

Highlight/lowlight of the trip has gotta be the night we promised Nn we'll let her stay up for fireworks... the same night I was running a fever.  Who gets sick during vacation?!  I could've thrown in the towel...could've disappointed my daughter... could've curled up in bed while she pouted or let out one of her heartbreaking "Awwwwwwwww...."  So I sucked it up.  Pulled a Michael Jordan in Game 5 against Jazz.... and took her to fireworks anyways.  Shivering, sweating, tired, miserable.... I warned her, I wasn't going to be able to hold her.  But when the lights shut off... music blared... and the first sparkle hit the flawless night.... I found this inner strength to carry Nn in my arms for the entire 15 minute show.

SW.... he was already snoring away in our hotel room. 

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