Friday, April 18, 2014

Art of Listening

While praying with Nui-nui the other night... I suddenly had an urge to listen instead of saying the same ol' same ol'. 

And when I suddenly fell silent, halfway through our normal prayer, Nui-nui asked, "Bah-BEE.... why are you quiet?" 

I said, "Shhhh.... I'm listening to Jesus." 

After a brief moment of silence, I told Nui-nui, "Jesus wants me to thank Him for blessing us with wonderful and healthy children."

So I started praying.... but Nui-nui said, "Shhhh... I'm listening to Jesus."

I respectfully stayed silent.

Moments later, she says, "I heard Jesus say He really loves me!"

(Hmm...... test of faith.  Do I believe a 4 year old? OF COURSE I DO!!!!)

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