Saturday, April 12, 2014

Odd man out...

Was at a random yogurt place, sitting and enjoying our yogurt and I couldn't take my eyes off of another family of four sitting next to us. 

Sitting along the window on a counter were a family of four.  An older gentlemen... maybe in his 50's.  His two teenage daughters.  18 and perhaps 16.  And at the end of the counter... his wife.

Throughout the entire time.... the two daughters spoke solely to the mom.  They laffed, giggled... shared their yogurts with one another.  Even their bodies were obviously turned towards mom, leaving out poor dad.  The entire time, dad longingly looked the three women... trying, wanting, begging to be let into the conversation.  But when they didn't give him a whim of time, he went back digging into his yogurt.  After a few spoonfuls, he'll look up again at the three loves of his life... listen attentively at what they're chatting about... waiting to jump in with a comment or two... only to give up and continue with this frozen dessert.  For a good 5 minutes.... this entire scene completely mesmerized me. 

Finally, after an eternity of waiting... the dad lets out the first words of the entire night, "Let's go."  The family dutifully got up and left.

Joyce turned to me and smile... aren't you glad you have a son?  And I thought to myself... "No, aren't you glad you have a daughter."  Cuz I will NEVER be that dad....

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