Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Disney does it right...

During one of the parades... we stood next to a young man with Down Syndrome.  He was connected to an Oxygen Tank and could only grunt - not talk.

But for each and every float that came out.... all the main characters all made a point to make eye contact with that young man.  Minnie pointed...then mimiced the young man's dance moves.  The princesses each showered him with kisses or made "heart" signs.  A bunch of other characters walked up and gave him high-5's.  One of the drummers... he stopped, gave the man his two drum sticks and the kid beat on his drums for a good 10 seconds.  

It was a great opportunity to give Nn a lesson on life.... This young man, born and stricken with an incurable disease... he may only find one glimpse of happiness in life.  And Disney made sure he got that glimpse of happiness. 

For all the things we criticize about Disney (evil... capitalistic pigs... moneymaking scoundrels....) or praise about Disney (clean... wholesome... great marketing... amazing crowd control)... this is something Disney definitely does right.  Now...$8 for a stinken Mickey Mouse balloon... EVIL!!!!

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