Monday, April 21, 2014

Knowing... but still hoping

Sat at the end of the table, surrounded by 2 Directors, 1 Senior Manager and HR.

I was interviewing for a Level 6 - Sr. Manager position.  I knew I wasn't going to get it.  Managers, especially Sr. Managers, are almost always pre-selected.  I was there... just so it can satisfy "HR Rules." Or as they have it in the NFL... the Rooney Rule, where teams MUST interview at least 1 minority coach for any vacant positions.

I already knew the type of questions that were coming.  I had prepared amazing stories to tell.  I knew I impressed all of them with my achievements to date... my leadership capacity... and the energy I bring to the table.

But as I walked out of that interview room.... I knew I wasn't getting the job. 

"To even be selected is an achievement!" my current boss told me.  True.  They must've seen something on my resume to consider me a valid contestant on this interview. 

Deep down, I knew I wasn't going to get it.  But deeper down... I was hoping I can get it. 
"I more than qualify" - I think.
"Who wouldn't want to hire me?" - I imagine. 
"They'll regret the day they turn me away" - I console myself.


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