Tuesday, January 26, 2016


One of the scariest texts I've ever received came from Joyce earlier today:

J: People telling sw he looks like a girl, now he chops off his own hair.
J: People need to mind their own business
Me: Who?
J: Don't know who.  He says someone says he looks like a girl
Me: He cut his own hair?
J: Yes

To some... this may seem funny or cute.  But to me... this is a horrifying of what may happen.  I was scared.  I was angry.  I was livid!!!

Horrified and scared because my little baby fell victim to peer pressure.  People (and I have a good feeling who) keep telling him he needs to cut his hair.  People that he trusts and loves.  And the more he hears it... the more he loses his self-confidence and self-esteem.  He's 4!!!!!  If people can manipulate him like this now... what can possibly happen to him when he's a teenager? or in college?  Absolutely horrifying.

I was anger and livid.  I let it out on Joyce.  I told her... "This is a wake up call!!! Just cuz you think he looks cute... and you like it... you have to understand you put him in this situation!!  You (and here's where I caught myself and said, "We") can't dress him up or shape him into something we want... but serve him up for ridicule.  He's not old enough to know how to deal with this!!!" 

This time, he cut his hair.  I can't imagine what else kids these days will do to themselves......

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