Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Remodel - Day 196

Gawd when is this gonna be over??

I'm so sick of negotiating with the GC. Joyce keeps putting me in these tough positions... And I get all worked up.  I feel so anal retentive and petty... and I'm the very person that I personally detest. 

Ughhh..... I know.  I know that whatever I have to endure for 5 minutes every now and then is nothing compared to what Joyce has been through the past 7 months.  But still.... haggling is just not my thang.

I'm sure the GC does this all the time. And if we don't negotiate... he'll just run all over us.
Counting down the days.. 

Or maybe..... I'm actually really good at this.  And I should just get use to it and maybe make a career out of it.  (pause to think)  Naaaaaaaaaaaaaah.......

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