Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Looking back at 2015

I'm almost 11 months into 2016.... time to write my "Looking back at..." post. 

Since it's been so long since I drafting this post, I'm just gonna whip through it and call it DONE.  Top 8 events in ascending order.... why 8??? I have no idea.

8.  Wine Cork Way - After 10 years of living on Theresa Lane, we finally remodeled.  Through the weeks and weeks of frustration in looking for temporary housing, we were about to move EVERYTHING into storage and rent a hotel. When on a fateful Saturday, we find the perfect condo. Truly divine intervention.  And unlike the 20 other places we looked for, this place wants a short term lease!  No 9 month lease...or 12 month lease with a penalty clause.  Originally, the landlady had someone else lined up.  But for whatever reason, the first choice fell through and we were next on her list.  When applying for the place, I even went as far as sending a family portrait to her... to show her how cute my kids are.  Not only does it have central AC (for one of the hottest summer ever!!!), it had a private washer and dryer, a 2 car garage... AND we had a swimming pool.  This cozy little 2 bed 2 bath condo sorta became our vacation home.  It was also the place that Nn learned to ride a bike. And the best thing.... it was only 0.5 mile away from home.

7. Nui-nui - PTC/graduation - Parent Teach Conference, I cry. Graduation - valedictorian. 

6. Star Wars - Episode 7.  Waiting in line for 4 hours.  Why? Cuz I love Star Wars.

5. Wanting to Quit - I hate my boss' boss.  The devastation is too much to bear.  Took my authority away.  Then gives it back to me.  Then takes it away.  I can't stand it. 

4. Warriors Champions - another one bites the dust.  One more Bay Area team wins a championship.  And it was beautiful.

3. Big bro gets married / becomes a father - Finally. 

2. Remodel - after two redraws....we finally start.  Part of the worst nightmares we've had to go through.  Never had we collectively hated someone so much.  But alas... it's done.

1. Christmas Day Incident - Nn's finger.  Carved up my baby's finger.  Got her into the emergency room.  And almost a year has past and I still get shivers every time I think about it.

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