Monday, January 11, 2016

Remodel - Day 187

Been almost 3 months since I've talked about remodeling.  The job is finally coming to it's last weeks.  But the past couple of months have been horrible, absolutely horrible. The silver lining in this whole ordeal is... it's coming to an end.  

We're so tired with the GC.  His lies... his undermining... his nickel and diming (when it's to his advantage)... the lack of quality and pride in their work... the lack of following directions.  It's insane. There's no love lost.  We absolutely hate each other and there's no hiding it.  

Joyce is absolutely sick of this relationship and all I want to do is make life miserable for the GC.   But I also know that if there's anyone you can't piss off, it's the guy who has your baby in their hands.  Who knows what they can do.  So every time we deal with them... we pray for God's grace to come upon us.  

Maybe it's us... maybe Joyce and I are just too anal retentive.  And we actually have a semi-decent memory of what is said/written.  And we can't stand anyone who backs off on any word they say -- and we love calling them out on it.  But I have a feeling this GC has never dealed with customers like us. 

Anyhoo... counting down the days. 

 I guess things are looking half-decent.

The kitchen is coming together.

As a reminder, this job was suppose to be done in October.  Then Christmas.  Now it's looking like Chinese New Year.

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