Sunday, January 31, 2016

Remodel - Day 207

The final stretch... it's so close we can almost taste it.  And it's at this most crucial point where things start falling apart.

For 6 months... Joyce and I got into 1, maybe 2 arguments over the remodel.  I've heard stories where people get divorces over remodeling.  And now today... I ripped into her like I'm cursing at my worst enemy.  I screamed into the phone so loud... I couldn't even believe my own ears.

Whoever was right... whoever was wrong... in the end, I was wrong.  I should have never yelled.  Should have never raised my voice.  And in all ways, even if she was 100% wrong, take her side. 

Ughhhh...... the enemy is seeing how we're growing in Christ.  And the enemy is not happy.  I know he will continue to ambush us and make false accusations.  Must stand firm.

In technical sense... things are falling apart.  The electrician... who we spent so much time instructing and care-taking when he wired the house, is finally putting on the lights.  And of course... they're wrong.  With the walls being up now... short of removing all the walls and starting over... there's nothing we can do.  Uggggghhhhhhhhh......................................

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