Monday, August 24, 2020

A new beginning

 COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 1

158 Days later, school finally reopens, for NN at least.  SW's school doesn't start for another week. 

I was a nervous wreck.  A new school.  New rhythm. New teachers.  New technology Major shifts and transitions. And I hate to admit it... a new way of parenting.  And then at night... we checked NN's online activity during school.  Google Hangout.  Scratch.  Safari.  Word Matt.  Things that she shouldn't be doing...but who can blame her.  She's easily distracted and the temptation is too hard to resist. 

SW on the other hand was free as can be.  Woke up and ate breakfast and started binging on X-Men.  Then around 9AM, he switched over to Minecraft.  After multiple Hangout sessions while Minecrafting, he walks into a birthday party he wasn't initially invited to - cuz today was "Minecraft Day."  By the time dinner rolled around... he logged in almost 8 hours of screentime.  Aye....

Ended up locking down her iPad and disabling non-school related apps.  She's going to be so pissed when she finds out tomorrow - the hard way.  And as for SW... what do we do with him??

Day 1 of a new page in the Leung History.  How do we combat this? What do we do or say? How do we parent? How do we teach? I have no clue.  Greater parents before us have tried and failed.  What can we possibly do that will top what they've tried or done?  Can only 見步行步, 睇餸食飯。 And really... 定睛仰望耶和華。

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