Tuesday, August 04, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 139

Started playing Risk with NN and SW on our personal devices.  It's nice revisiting a game from our past... a game we started playing at Boys Club... and eventually buying our own to play at home.  We never truly understood the rules, so this time, we're playing it for real.

The game is simple... and it's a lot of luck.  I guess there are some skills involved.  And if I search online, they probably have tips on the best countries and continents to conquer.... or how to best defend certain areas.  

Played a game yesterday where NN and SW ganged up on me.  Typical.  Take out your common enemy first and worry about the rest later.  But halfway through elimination (which is slow and painful), I received a text from NN that I missed.  She wanted to secretly team up with me and take over Europe.  Actually.. she was allying with me to get rid of SW.  Heh... conniving.  As luck would have it... or opportunity intersecting with preparation... SW (the non-competitive one) wiped out his enemies on his way to global domination.  

Had a rematch this morning and it was my turn to rule the world.  But I showed mercy to my flesh and bone and instead of attacking... I kept on setting up defenses in my two favorite countries.  NN ended up coming from behind and crushed everyone.  She was so happy the rest of the day - she couldn't stop talking about it.  I'm still smiling as a type these words.  

Next time....? NO MERCY!!!!!!!!! 

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