Wednesday, August 12, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 147

Since who knows how long... I made NN run a mile with me today. And today... unlike previous days, she didn't rebel. Why? Cuz she was being punished. Yesterday... she pinched her little brother and she was not getting away with it. I didn't punish her right away... but this was coming. She knew it. And I knew it.

During our run... I was thinking of our "pep-talk." What can I say that may register to why I was sourcing this punishment. Then it came to me... I told her two stories.

Back in 6th or 7th grade... dad took Big Bro and I to watch a movie.  For whatever reason... Big Bro punched me on the shoulder before the movie started.  Dad ended up separating us.  After the movie... Big Bro went home by himself.  I went grocery shopping with dad.  And what did dad do? Nothing. All he did was ask, "佢打你痛唔痛呀?" I ended up tearing up.  What was I suppose to say... "Yes?" And sound like a wuss.  No... I was tearing up... cuz I was expecting dad to lay the smackdown on Big Bro for hitting me.  That never happened.  

Sometime in 6th or 7th grade... we were at home one summer... and there was a microwave dish on the floor.  For whatever reason... I pissed Big Bro off and he shoved the dish, sliding on the floor, and he smashed my big toe, cracking the nail and I was bleeding - big time.  That afternoon... dad came home.  What did dad do? Nothing.

Those two events... long forgotten in the confines of yester-year came floating back today.  When one child physically hurts another child... there needs to be consequences.  For sin. For righteousness. For even the facade of non-favoritism.  I got none of that.  Those memories... struck a chord.  It hurts till this day.  

Did dad really do nothing? I doubt it. He may have had a talk.  He may have done "something." But not to my knowledge.  It's what I choose to believe.

Not today.  Not me.  

I told Nui-nui... today it's pinching.  Who's to say tomorrow won't be punching.  There is almost absolute no reason for bodily harm.  And I will punish you... or SW... or anyone for doing so.  And I will be fair.  And I will make it known. I won't be the parent that does nothing.  

And after almost two months of layover... NN did a 10 minute mile.  

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